cNw Hardware & Fasteners
These are Stainless Steel hardware kits and individual parts that we have put together to make your bike look and work even better. The kits consists of different fasteners that makes sense in certain applications. They have all been modified/polished to not only work but look great. If you are doing a complete rebuild or just cleaning up a certain area of your bike, these make the process a whole lot easier. You can rest assured as with any cNw parts that these have been made to fit and work great. As always the finish is of highest quality
There will essentially be three different types of kits available
Type 1:
– Complete hardware kits for individual applications
– Hex and socket caps have been turned. Lengths have been modified to fit just right. Heads, ends, nuts and washers are polished as needed
– The grade on the hardware in these kits are sufficient for the application they are intended to be used for
– Easy to work with, individually bagged and labeled
– All made in house at cNw
Type 2:
– These are stainless kits and parts for your Commando such as Axles, Chain adjusters, Transmission mounting hardware, Center and Side stand springs etc
– Grades vary depending on application
– Some of these parts we do not make ourselves but get from different distributors. If so, they are still all sanded and polished to a finish that has become our standard
– Parts are pre-fit to ensure they work as intended
Type 3:
– Finest hardware available for critical applications such as engine and brake systems
– Developed by cNw and ARP
– ARP makes what is by most considered to be the highest quality performance hardware in the industry
– The ARP 300 series stainless has a higher rating than any other stainless hardware. It's conservatively rated at 170,000 psi (170 ksi)
– cNw has teamed up with ARP to develop bolts with threads previously unavailable
– If you want the best hardware for your Commando, this is it